Read the Book, then Watch It

Read the Book, then Watch It

When I see a movie coming out that I think I’d be interested, and I’m aware that it’s based on a book I haven’t read, I always make an effort to read the book first. If you haven’t done this, you are probably thinking something like “Why would you want to ruin the movie?”. This post is largely about answering that question, and possibly convincing you to give it a try if you have not.

Save Net Neutrality

Save Net Neutrality

Included in this post are an entertaining piece from John Oliver’s HBO series that had me both laughing and hoisting a torch and a pitchfork, and the letter I received from “Demand Progress” on the upcoming Internet protest. FCC Chair Ajit Pai and his corrupt corporate greed backers that would take the “free” internet as we know it must be defeated.

My Advice to Rock Stars, Amazon, Apple, etc.

My Advice to Rock Stars, Amazon, Apple, etc.

Maybe there ARE bands that cave into the pressure put on by record producers who feel that they can make more money if they “soften the edge” of their music, or mimic whatever is trending. I have a lot of trouble imagining that. In fact, I choose not to believe that. I’m glad that bands I love like Linkin Park and Shinedown continue to evolve and try new things and stay fresh. It’s part of what makes them exceptional. Every artist should…

My Ten-Year-Old Daughter was a Male Merchant Sailor in 1774

My daughter went on an overnight field trip as part of the Maritime Programs curriculum series through her elementary school. She went aboard the “California” as a male merchant sailor in the year 1774. I had a “parental assignment” of writing her a letter from home as if I too was living in the era. Being that I hadn’t let my creative lion roar in over two weeks (aka – work on my novel) I probably went a little overboard with it. I took the meat of what I knew of the Quiggle surname and family history, mixed in historically accurate names and facts about the area they settled in, threw in a dash of fiction, and made sausage.

An Introduction to the SoCal Dolfan Sports Blog

This blog is written by a well-educated mature football fan, inspired by the lively discussions of other men wearing the same colors, influenced by media both local and national, neutral and not, and will be full of insight and opinion of coaching, players, and the general management of the Miami Dolphins – with occasional other sports related topics thrown in.