In my blog introduction I promised I would stay away from writing about politics and religion. That is because both are polarizing in such a way that when you publish your thoughts and opinions about either, you automatically lose people. I’m just not interested in alienating anyone who actually reads my writing over these topics. The Net Neutrality issue, however, is one I will get behind. I am for Net Neutrality. I don’t know anyone, personally, that is not, provided they aware of it. If you are a stockholder of Verizon, AT&T, Time Warner… perhaps not. Even then, consider. Included in this post are an entertaining piece from John Olivers HBO series that had me both laughing and hoisting a torch and a pitchfork, and the letter I received from “Demand Progress” on the upcoming Internet protest. FCC Chair Ajit Pai and his corrupt corporate greed backers that would take the “free” internet as we know it must be defeated. It’s your turn to do something about it.
On July 12, the entire Internet is going to stand up for net neutrality. Some of the biggest sites on the net are in. But we need you to say you’re in, too.
Click here to sign up to take action for the free and open internet on July 12.
I can’t even tell you how excited I am right now. We are less than two weeks away from the Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality.
On July 12, sites like Amazon, Netflix, Etsy, Reddit, and Twitter will all be using their platforms to stand up for the free and open internet and spread the word about FCC Chair Ajit Pai’s plan to kill net neutrality.
But you have a platform too. And we need you to use it to save the internet.
Sign up for the Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality on July 12.
Net neutrality is what has made the internet an amazing laboratory of creativity, community, entrepreneurialism, and activism. We can’t let Big Cable destroy this precious online ecosystem just because they want to make more money.
We are hard at work planning out all the details for the Day of Action. When you sign up today, you’ll be one of the first to know the actions we have planned, and how you can help.
Sign up for the Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality on July 12.
We know it can feel like things are hopeless sometimes, especially these days. It seems like the powers that be have made up their minds, and there is nothing you can do about it. But history shows this is not true.
When Congress tried to pass SOPA/PIPA, which would have given the government unprecedented ability to shut down websites for “copyright violations,” millions of people and untold numbers of websites, both large and small, took action. And. We. Won. We stopped SOPA/PIPA dead in its tracks.
Help make history again. Make sure FCC Chair Ajit Pai and Congress know we will NEVER give up net neutrality.
Sign up to take action for the Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality today.