Oscars 2020!
Scotts Best Picture nominee short reviews and winner for 2020!
Scotts Best Picture nominee short reviews and winner for 2020!
Unlike most of my other reviews, this one contains spoilers for the book and movie. I’m pretty angry and I need to crap out some examples. This movie is extremely difficult to be objective about. I might give it a higher rating if I had not read and loved the book.
Scott’s selection for the 90th Academy Awards Best Picture is:
The Shape of Water has what I would dearly like to see more of from Hollywood: It has creative originality that isn’t afraid to punch your right in the face with its humor and bold handling of the human condition. I have to say, I think Michael Shannon absolutely steals the movie.
Darkest Hour was the antithesis of Dunkirk. All character. All acting and story and about a man of deep character going through a transformation. After leaving the theater, having written the Dunkirk review just the day before, I had the great “if only” fantasy. If only I could take both films, mash them together, and edit the crap out of them – wow, what a movie that would be.