- My Rating: 70%
Unlike most of my other reviews, this one contains spoilers for the book and movie. I’m pretty angry and I need to crap out some examples. This movie is extremely difficult to be objective about. I might give it a higher rating if I had not read and loved the book. But that’s not the world I live in. Spielberg and company stripped out almost everything I loved, and replaced it with their own shit. Yeah, I swore. I have been looking forward to this since I read the book and posted my own reading recommendation HERE years ago. I am an 80’s child. I loved movies, music, and games of the age. Kline and I might have been buddies, so close were many of our favorites. I played Dungeons & Dragons back then (S1:Tomb of Horrors!) I remember Zork. Rush is probably my favorite band of all time. Temples of Syrinx man. Monty Python’s Holy Grail! Joust was one of the coolest arcade games, I pumped many a quarter into. (Defender was my favorite side-scoller). They were replaced with what? The Shining? Adventure? As much as I love Iron Giant, WTF that’s late 90’s! Ugh! Why was everything put in the same location (Dayton, Ohio?). It’s an international story! Why were the puzzles made so easy? The suspension of disbelief was completely blown by that. Everyone in the world can’t figure out freaking Adventure? Really? The list of off-era and crappy changes that take away tension mount from beginning to end, until I was so disappointed that I hardly cared. I read a piece that said the changes were an improvement from the book and “made it better.” I am donning zebra stripes right now so that I can throw my bean-laden yellow flag right in that ass-kissers eye. Why give it a 70 and not a 5? Because I find myself wondering if I might have liked it NOT having read the book. Maybe you will.